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Friday, June 27, 2014

An exception to the rule

An exception to the rule
 Something does not conform to or agree with a rule
Fling/throw mud at someone
 To say evil or bad things about someone and in doing so, to damage his or her reputation.
A fool and his money are soon parted
 A person who spends his money foolishly will soon be penniless
Forgive and forget
 Excusing or pardoning someone for doing something
Give someone enough rope and he will hang himself
 If we allow someone to continue in his bad ways he'll eventually bring about his own downfall or ruin.
Grin and bear it
 To put up with discomfort or a bad situation without complaining.
He who pays the piper calls the tune
 The person who pays for something has the right to do as he wants.
Hide your light under a bushel
 Concealing your talents, skills or abilities
Hitch one's wagon to a star
 To Move forward in a way to improve your chances of achieving success.
Home is where the heart is
 No matter where you are, 'home' is where you feel most comfortable and content.
If wishes were horses, beggars would ride
 If we could get all the things we wanted just by making a wish, everyone would have all he ever wanted.
If you can't lick them, join them If you cannot defeat an opponent or get him to change his ideas, plans or way of doing things, the best thing is to change your ideas, plans, etc.
In for a penny, in for a pound
 If we decide to do something, we should commit ourselves to it boldly and completely.
A job worth doing is a job worth doing well
 When you do something you should do it as well as you can.
Keep the wolf from the door
 To avoid hunger and poverty
Laugh and the world laughs with you
 When someone is in a happy, cheerful mood, people like being with him.
Least said, soonest forgotten The less we say about it the sooner the incident will be forgotten.
A chicken and egg question
 A mysterious question which can't be answered
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink
 We can help, show or encourage someone to do something but we can't make him do what he is unwilling or unable to do

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