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Friday, June 27, 2014

Crime does not pay

Crime does not pay
 However much you may earn or make as a criminal, a life of crime does not pay because the law will catch up with you eventually
Curses are like chickens, they come home to roost
 Curses you place on others may find their fulfilment in you, so it is best not to curse anyone
Danger and delight grow on the same stalk
 Some pleasures will lead you to danger
Death is the great leveler
 Death, which comes to everyone without discrimination, makes everyone equal
Deeds are fruits, words are but leaves
 Taking action is far better than just talking about problems or negative situations
Desperate times call for desperate measures
 Sometimes, a situation is so urgent or unexpected that you have to resort to doing things you normally would not
Different strokes for different talks
 You need different plans or strategies in managing different people as people are different in personality and temperament
Diligence is the mother of good fortune
 Working hard will bring you riches and success
Distance lends enchantment to the view
 When you are free of a problem or far away from troublesome people, you begin to feel that things were not so bad after all
Divide and rule
 A method of ruling or managing people where you separate them into different groups to make sure they do not join forces against you
East or West, home is best
 You feel safest, most comfortable and most at peace in your own home
Even a broken/stopped clock is right twice a day
 No one is ever wrong all the time
Even a dog can distinguish between being stumbled over and being kicked
 Do not let people bully you, but be alert to when you are being taken advantage of
Every ass loves to hear himself bray
 Conceited people love to boast about their achievements
Every bird loves to listen to himself sing
 People who know they are good at something tend to boast about their ability
Every family has a skeleton in the cupboard
 Every family has their secrets

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