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Friday, June 27, 2014

Every man has his price

Every man has his price
 If you offer someone enough money, he will be willing to do anything for you
Every man is his own worst enemy
 A lot of people tend to hurt their own chance at success because of negative-mindedness, fear, ignorance, unresolved issues
Every man must carry his own cross
 Everyone has to carry his burden or responsibilities in life
Every picture tells a story
 Every situation has an explanation
Everyone wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die
 Everyone wants to enjoy success, but few are willing to work hard or take the risks involved in achieving it
Example is better than precept
 It is better to show by example than to advise, order or tell people to be upright
Experience is the mother of wisdom
 You become wiser as you gain more experience in life
Facts are stubborn things
 You cannot change the facts of a case
Failure teaches success
 People can learn from their failures and mistakes
Faith will move mountains
 Miracles will happen when you believe that they will
Familiarity breeds contempt
 People tend to lose respect for people they are close to or in close company with all the time
Fear is stronger than love
 Fear is often a stronger emotion or motivation than even love
Fear of death is worse than death itself
 Fear is often a crippling emotion because it is so powerful
Fine feathers make fine birds
 You can pretend to be rich, famous etc. by dressing the part
Fine words butter no parsnips
 Just talking about something is not going to get the job done

First deserve, then desire
 Before you begin to hope about possessing something, make sure you are qualified for it
First things first
 Do the more urgent and important things first
First think, and then speak
 Think about what you are going to say before you speak

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