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Friday, June 27, 2014

Flattery brings friends, truth enemies

Flattery brings friends, truth enemies
 People like to hear good things said about them although they may not be the truth
Fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me
 You should be alert to people trying to get the better of you
Fretting cares make grey hairs
 Worrying is a negative activity that can age you prematurely
Garbage in, garbage out
 If the information or input you provide is wrong, the end result will also be below par or flawed
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime
 It is better to teach people how to be independent by teaching them how to do things for themselves than to do everything for them
Give and take is fair play
 You should be willing to give in partly to others if you want them to give in partly to you
Give credit where credit is due
 Appreciate someone for the good work he ahs done
Give him an inch and he'll want a yard
 Some people always take advantage of favor that is shown them
Good fences make good neighbors
 Respect people's privacy and their territory
Good wine needs no bush
 Products of good quality do not need a lot of advertising, as their quality alone shows their worth
Goodness is better than beauty
 Inner beauty is more valuable than outer beauty
Grasp all, lose all
 If you are too greedy and try to grab everything you see, you might lose that and everything you have too
Green leaves and brown leaves fall from the same tree
 Everyone has a common beginning, and therefore, no one is above another
Happy wife, happy life
 If you have a happy or good life partner, you will be happy and contented
Hard words break no bones
 Ignore insults as they cannot physically harm you, and will only harm you emotionally if you let them
Haste makes waste
 Things that are done in a hurry are usually done sloppily, and may contain careless mistakes
He is rich who owes nothing
 A person who owes no one a debt is free of worry, and therefore, rich, in a sense
He is the best general who makes the fewest mistakes
 A good leader rarely makes mistakes

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