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Friday, June 27, 2014

Speak of the devil and he's sure to appear

Speak of the devil and he's sure to appear
 What you say when you are talking of someone, and he appears
Speak when you are spoken to
 Respond when you are asked a question
Starve a cold, feed a fever
 The best way to treat a cold is to skip a meal or two; the best way to treat fever is to have a light meal
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me
 The unkind words of small-minded people should not upset or depress you
Stolen fruit is the sweetest
 Things that are forbidden to you seem to be the most exciting or tempting
Success is a journey, not a destination
 The most treasured part of an achievement is the experience and lessons you learn in the process
Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof
 Do not be troubled about the problems you may face tomorrow, as you have enough to contend with today
Take care of the pence, and the pounds will take care of themselves
 Pay attention to the details and the larger issues will work out well enough
Talk is cheap
 Talk that is not backed up with action is useless
Tell the truth and shame the devil
 Tell the truth at all times
The acorn never falls far from the tree
 Children tend to resemble their parents
The best laid schemes of mice and men often fail
 No matter how well planned, your arrangements can go wrong because you do not control all events and cannot see into the future
The best of friends must part
 Even good friends sometimes need to part, if only for a while
The best things come in small packages
 Expensive things which are considered among the best things, can come in small packages
The best things in life are free
 The most important things in life such as love, kindness, generosity etc. are free

The bigger they are, the harder they fall
 The bigger a problem the greater its impact
The calm comes before the storm
 There is usually peace before disaster strikes
The child is father to the man
 Your experiences as a child mould you as an adult

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