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Friday, June 27, 2014

The cure is worse than the disease

The cure is worse than the disease
 Some solutions seem worse than the problem
The customer is always right
 The guiding principle of the service industry is that the customer must be satisfied, so never upset or contradict a customer
The darkest hour is that before the dawn
 Relief or victory comes just after the worst phase of a bad situation
The eyes are the window of the soul
 A person's eyes express his true feelings, thoughts etc
The fat is in the fire
 It is too late to do anything about a situation
The first step is the hardest
 Starting is often the most difficult part of doing a job
The first step to health is to know that we are sick
 You have to be willing to admit there is a problem before you can change yourself, a bad situation etc
The head and feet keep warm, the rest will take no harm
 If you take care of the important matters, everything else will fall into place
The journey is the reward
 The most valuable, fulfilling and exciting part of achieving something is the work and effort put into the endeavour
The least said, the soonest mended
 The less you say during a quarrel, the greater chance there is for you to patch up later
The longest mile is the last mile home
 The nearer you are to your destination, the further away from you it seems
The more acquaintance, the more danger
 The more casual friends you have, the greater the possibility that you will be led astray, betrayed etc
The more one knows, the less one believes
 The more information you have about something, the more unsure or suspicious you can become of it
The more things change, the more they stay the same
 Some changes are only outward, the actual problems remain the same
The more you get, the more you want
 The more you have, the more you want to have because greed grows in you
The more you know, the more you know you don't know
 The more knowledge you acquire, the more aware you are of how little you know about life
The nail that sticks out gets pounded
 People who stand out in a group because they are different or because they raise questions, issues are quickly pressured into conforming with the rest of the group
The nearer the bone, the sweeter the meat
 The closer you get to your goal or objective, the more thrilled or excited you get

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