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Friday, June 27, 2014

Unity is strength

Unity is strength
 Unity brings strength to a team
United we stand, divided we fall
 Unity bring strength to a team
Virtue is its own reward
 You should not expect payment for doing things that you should do or for acting in a morally correct way
Walls have ears, shoes have tongues
 Be careful what you say and who you speak to
We never miss the water till the well is dry
 People do not notice or appreciate an advantage, strength until they suddenly etc lose it
What goes around, comes around
 How you treat people is how you will eventually be treated
What goes up must come down
 Things will return to their natural state eventually
What is learnt in the cradle lasts to the tomb
 Everything you learn in life stays with you till you die
What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander
 What is good for one person ought to be good enough for anyone else
What you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts
 The disadvantages you suffer in one area are equaled or cancelled by the advantages you win in others
What you sow is what you reap
 You have to face the consequences of your actions
When one sows the wind one reaps the whirlwind
 When you live too fast-paced or dangerous a life, be prepared for trouble or danger
When the going gets tough, the tough get going
 Often, when things become difficult, people who seemed strong o who promised to help you leave you because they cannot take the pressure
Wilful waste makes woeful want
 Do not waste anything thoughtlessly because you may need it later
Winning isn't everything
 Success is not everything, what you learn in the process of becoming successful is more important

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