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Friday, June 27, 2014

You can't have things both ways

You can't have things both ways
 You cannot avoid making a choice in some situations
You can't make an omelette without breaking the eggs
 You have to sacrifice something in order to gain something else
You can't please everyone
 You cannot make everyone happy at the same time -- someone is going to be unhappy with your actions
You can't shoe a running horse
 If you want help, or if you are in trouble, you will need to stop and ask for help
You could go a lot further and fare a lot worse
 You are better off now because things could have been worse for you
You need to bait the hook to catch the fish
 You need to prepare the necessary materials or items before you can actually get something done
You will never know till you have tried it
 You have to experience something yourself before you know what it is all about
You win some, you lose some
 In life, you have to expect to win and lose
Youth and age will never agree
 The young and the old do not always see eye to eye
A leopard doesn't change its spots
 An unpleasant or irritable person does not change easily
As the twig is bent so the tree is inclined
 A child shows some resemblance to his parents
Forewarned is forearmed
 We can prepare for something if we know beforehand the dangers and risks involved
Misery makes strange bedfellows
 When unhappy people make friend with others they would not usually befried

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